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Krivon Films Boys: The History and Legacy of a Boylovers Legend


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I subscribedand havenot been disappointed.I have to say the models on Club Lads are utterlyterrable. I think theres 2 cute lads out of the lot. Where you pickthese guysup? Back Alleys?Sierra : I'm in the United Kingdom ? Not known for itshighmountains or wilderness trails and such like !! Well regarded thoughfor itspuritanical laws though and outdated beliefs !! Nick : How could I??How manyhere like Scenic pictures of lakes and mountains?? I am leaving inanother 4weeks for my annual trip into the California Sierra mountains. I have asiteinterested in my outdoor photos and I plan on shooting many. If a lotof youlike scenic photos I'll post some in the picture section. Anotherinterestingtid-bit; if you sell any photos to websites regardless what theyconsist of, tryand keep your copyright rights. That way you control where they areused. I havesome of my photographs in 2 different casinos and I hold the copyrightsand theypay me royalties. Something to ponder. As for Robin, he did say thathe'd becoming back often to check the guestbook. Like Benjimin said, maybewe're in 2different countries. I'm in the USA west coast of Oregon. Where you beRobin?Take Care Everyone, SierraThere are five members-only sets of a modelcalled Royin the "Shy" section of Cobraphoto. To use a tired cliché,these are too good tomiss. The guy is all-round superb, not least in the warm, maturepersonalitythat comes across. Strongly recommended. WOW! SPOOKY! How does Sierramanage tocompose a back slapping (not back stabbing) "take care and(obligatory) staywell" post to Robin just 80 minutes after Robin notified us he wassetting offon his project / venture? My understanding is these 2 surfers are indifferentcontinents, let alone time zones. Awesome (like the photography at19nitten,Original Boys etc etc etc). Confused? You will besorry I should havebeenclearer about RSC, what I meant was your reference to it kind ofimplies it's abit quirky, when in my view it's a really sweet site, sorry to soundpedanticcoz I love BoyReview to bits too (how could I not) what you've set upis prettyincredible.So, diving in, could you expand your 'new boys' to trackcertain'stars', I know it's difficult when different sites use different namesforpopular models, but have you considered it, maybe we could nominate ourfavemodel AND THEN you could tell us everywhere we could find them (thesite ownerswould love it coz you'd be sending us to them).I know I want the worldandyou're doing incredible things already - but - hey what do you think oftheidea?I do have particular models in mind, Matt/Jack fron boyfun &photoboys, andRyan from the same stable.Oh and while I'm asking for the world, do youknowwhat happened to Sam from Lionmane? I miss him so much xxxthanx 4 beinghere - Ido know I'm asking too much xTim, I didn't say which teen, I only saidone. I'vedone photoshoots of 3 other teens as well. I didn't mention the site inquestionand I'm not saying exactly which one. You're the one who blasted asite, not me.My blast was to warn others about sending photo's to web sites forapproval andto be sure to copyright the photos to protect themselves. I chose BoyReviewbecause this seems like the right place to post a message of warning.I'm surethere are those that visit this site that appreciate a message such asmine anddon't appreciate you trying to start another back sabbing campaign.Thisis goingto be my final comment / entry in here you'll be pleased to here !!Indeed it islikely to be my final visit to this site, apart from keeping in touchwith ourwebmaster, whose help, information and inspiration has, and continuesto proveinvaluable !! I have m projects to work on / get off the ground andthese will,on my own, prove to be very time consuming, but oh so rewarding !! I'llleaveyou all to squabble and bicker among yourselves about which site doeswhat, why,and all that !! And by the way I have a good memory for names when youstartpulling my efforts apart !!Sierra. Everybody knows that you sent thepicturesyou took of your grandson to 19Nitten. Why should they be interested inspreading those pictures on the Internet? That is a very seriousallegation. Ithink you need to stop your campaign now. You taking every opportunitytoslander 19Nitten because they kicked you out is pathetic . We are manywho knowwhat happened and to us you appear like a very disturbed man! Doesanyone knowhow to use the Windows Media Player option of setting up a 'combine'file. Inoticed that one site...(not a boy site)has the option of downloading a Media file called 'combine'...whichsets up theseries of small video climps into a "queu" or list thatautomatically plays theseries one after another. I looked in the Windows Media Help Section,but can'tfind out any information on how to do it. It's really nice to open upthe'combine' file, and watch the complete series automatically line up andplayout, without having to open the series one at a time. All the boyssites shouldoffer this as it makes for ...uh ... much better 'viewing pleasure' forthecustomers. Is it just me or do the majority of the images in thenew-look(preview) section of Originalboys appear distinctly smaller than theircounterparts previously uploaded to the site? I fear that we may befaced with asimilarly disappointing situation as with all those classic Felikszonegallerieswhich were reduced in size when offered free to all members of19Nitten, as FZbecame an archive only site. The only difference is that OriginalBoys isnot becoming an archive only site....I don't really want to re-openthat can ofworms that is the 19nitten debate, but I've just spent some timebuilding upextensive galleries of a couple of lads from the first album to thelast onecurrently available. If you can afford the time and patience for this,you havea long, uninterrupted series from start to finish, and if he's a goodmodel theresult is stunning. I've just completed the Marc series in this way,and acouple of points arise. The trivial one first: are we doing the rightthing byputting this remarkable site in the "also ran" category? Andsecondly, connectedwith the age thing, even if the White House jackboot does its worse,boys oflegal age like Marc have tons of merit precisely because they aremature of mindand character. Combined with a superb body, that's gotta be aconsolation!"Ton","Dima" (Cory), and "Ivan" are only a string ofyoung men from Europe who fit aamazingly popular 'genre' ---- extremely tall and painfully slender tothe pointof being almost delicate---long legs, and angelic innocentfaces..definatelyeffeminate....they most resemble female high fashion run-way models.There areseveral other models with this same physical genre that I can recall.If youlike "Ton", the site for you is Doggyboys! They have alimited selection, butall their boys fit this 'look' in my opinion. (By the way, I disagreewith theBoyReview that they need more 'product'...hey...finding boys that fitthis genreis hard...I'd rather they continue their artistic and aethestic vision,andprocure only boys that fit their vision instead of putting up anythingthey canpersuade to pose for them.) Me? I prefer big bubble butts and curveousthighs.Check out "Jerry2" on the "New Boys" page...he'sgot thighs and a butt on himthat stop me cold in my tracks. And look at the curve he throws! Wow!If it werenot for the experience I had with Eastboys of putting up beautiful boyson theirpreview page, and then offering only a handful of pictures, I'd joinjust for"Jerry". Also, Eastboys has a trick of drawing you in at oneprice, and thenwhen you get in you find the best videos are in the 'premium section',which isan additional price. Heads up if you go into Eastboys...! But for alusciousbutt like "Jerry", I' mght just take a chance. He's next inline though afterOriginal boys and "Pawel". Something of interest to thosethat send photographsto websites to sell. It is important to put a large copyright logoacross theface of each photograph to protect it and you from being used beforeyou sellthe set or sets. That way if they refuse to buy the photos, there'renot able tosell what you have sent them for their private review. Don't send themtheentire set, only about 8 should be enough. If they are intersested,then you cansend the set or sets without the copyright logo, but with theunderstanding thatyou are to be paid before they are used. I did this with a photoset ofa teen 19years old, but I made the mistake of not putting a copyright logoacross theface of each pic. I sent the site, which I will not disclose, 8 photoswhichthey turned down and then they turned around later and sold mine andmany othersto other sites. The site I sent these too is a very popular site andespeciallyone I thought I could trust. I found out wrong when some of my photosthat Isent them started turning up on the web. How do I know?? I sent them tothissite only and no other. This is the only site this teen was interestedinselling his photoshoot too. So in the long run, be safe, copyright yourphotosbefore you send them out for approval. I had also instructed them thatthey werethe only ones who we wanted to use the photos if the were interested inbuyingthe set of over 400 pics, luckily I sent them only 8 of the set. TakeWarning.Ijust go nuts over 18 year olds withtheirpubies and bums shaved. Any sites that specialize in this?Very wisewords fromGrafitti. With the political atmosphere what it is now it won't serveany of uswell to point fingers. The Traci Lords comparison is a good one and I'mjustgrateful for my hundreds of pics of sexy Ton and beautiful Ivan.I canunderstandpeople who find there's too much raving on here about thin boys, suchas Ton andIvan. It's all about personal taste of course, indeed much more thanjust taste.I was trying to think just now of any plump boys that I'd put in thesame leagueas Ton and Ivan, and I couldn't think of any! However Boy Review has agalleryof Vitalij, who's got a bit of puppy fat on him, and he's a prettysweet lad.When boysuniverse first published photos of Ton they claimed he wasDima'scousin (Dima is also Cory on 19nitten) who was also gay. I know, itseemsanti-climactic now. It's interesting that William mentions Ivan, who Ibelievewas first published on After several sets they removedall hisphotos. The reason? He had been found to have an exclusive agreementwithanother site which required him to work only with them for a certaintime.Boybox had decided to honor that agreement. I have never found theother site.After a few months, Ivan reappeared in the upcoming section with ratherdashinghorns as a "devil" so we knew he was reappearing. Sinceboybox's story made solittle sense (why would they honor a contract between two otherparties?) I havealways suspected Ivan was not yet 18 when those first sets on boyboxwere taken.Nonetheless, consider that if the allegation is true, boybox went tosometrouble in removing previous sets that had already been (presumablymistakenly)posted. It would have been tempting to just ignore the mistake. Othersites,such as 19nitten, have removed models without explanation (example:Igor).Originalboys has removed models claiming the model did not want hispictures onthe web anymore. This seemed an unlikely explantion to me (that theywouldaccede to such a model's request), but in at least one case, theyactuallyreposted the photos so perhaps they were telling the truth. All in all,it makesme feel like I'm watching Peyton Place. I'd like to hear an explanationfromRene. At least he's not dead, which I suspected when he disappearedwithout aword. It makes one wonder if his site's disappearance is related tothiscontroversly in some way. Perhaps Boyreview will comment since theyseem to havesome idea he's alive, and commented when his site first disappearedthat theydid not expect it to reappear anytime soon.Well, "Ton" is ahandsome boy but I'mon the side of those who don't see what all the fuss is about."Ivan" is anothermodel that I just don't understand the gushing over. Personally, bothare waytoo scrawny looking. But "Ton"'s smile is wonderful, and like"Ivan" a slender,delicate bodies are almost effeminate...both have an ethereal qualityto theirfaces and bodies. I'm a fan of boys like that definately. But themodels makingthe rounds right now that I'd like to see more of are"Jeremiah" and"Sammy"...I'd love to hear more about these boys. BothJeremiah and Sammy arevery sexual in their modeling. Most of the models pull their pants orunderwearoff like they were about to take a piss. Not "Sammy"...he'sexposinghimself..very very vulnerable, very inviting and very sexual. Dittowith"Jeremiah"...he's got a very "naughty' way of posing.Both are slender, but haveenough meat to have some 'curves' to them which i like. Not all skinand boneslike Ivan or "Ton" or some of the Eastern European boys yousee. I saw 'Sammy"on I belive BoyFunk, but that site doesn't have a very good reputation.I'vealready ordered a video that Allboy magazine is offering, but I'mreluctant topurchase a membership to boyfunk 'cause it has a lousy review. Rightnow theonly site I see "Jeremiah" in is, which is a lousysite too. Anyoneknow more about either 'Sammy" or "Jeremiah" please postit. Orespecially...PICTURES. Thanks a bunch. RE: Original Boys Membership andSPAM.Andi Further to your reply, I find it more than a coincidence thatwithin 10mins of submitting my email address that I am inundated with spam - Ihave heldthis address for over 18 months without anything similar happening. Theminute Ijoined your site, the spam started to pour - if what you say is trueregardingyour policies on OriginalBoys, then it is clear that IBill have passedon myemail address - at this moment I am unsure who is to blame, but withoutdoubt,the spam is as of a result of joining your site. Don't get me wrong, Ilove yoursite and will probably be joining again in the future - only next timeI willjoin with a brand new email address that any spammer would find itimpossible tosend anything 'randomly' to - we will then see if the spam starts again- I willpost any results here... MarkCongratulations to Matt on his clearmemory of Ton. I first joined Boys' Universe on 13th November 2001, andI cannotrecall whether Ton was there already. René (WHERE is he now, by theway?)unearthed some real gems for his site, but Ton was among the brightest.I don'trecall the details that Matt gives - that was perhaps before I joined.It wouldcertainly be wonderful if he were to turn up again some time, someplace....Hello guys, I am not a very active member of discussions but I am often here. I like the site and have greatrespect to allwebmasters. It was great surprise for me when I read a message ofBarron( here) that some sites are publishing boys under 18 yo. Heshowed usa very long list but I know only one site in "Best SitesListing" here which hasproblems with age of boys. This is So my question is....WHY is thissite still here? I think we all do not want support sites with illegalcontent.I can prove my words.... I think we all know model IVAN. Very prettyboy, isn’the? I think yes... so you can find now 10 sets of him on is alink for first set of him < >. But wait amoment. I remember more sets of him on before that. Pleasehave alooktandcomparethepagesbelow: (Webarchive dated 2nd of August 2002)and. As yousee there were at lest 4 sets of IVAN at in 2002 and IVAN 2is stillon the Everything is great except 1 thing - Ivan was not 18yo forthat moment. Pictures were taken prior the 2nd of August 2002. Passportof Ivansays that his birthday is on the 3rd June 1985. So IVAN was 17 yo forthatmoment. Moreover than that it is a very interesting that "Ivan3" was made byBarron. Page says "Ivan Solo Series 3: Photos by Baron". Sowebmaster personallytook pictures of IVAN at that moment. So very interestingsituation…. Barron -American Webmaster - came to Russia to shoot solo and actionpicture, videosfor DVD of boy who WASN'T 18 that time. Do you think it is legal? I amsure not…And I am not alone. How can we trust a man talking us about Ton's agewhen he'sa cheater himself. BARON, why not to pulish IVAN's passport like youpostedTon's ones? Or should I do it?To add my twopennorth to the Ton issue !!Whocares? We can't turn the clock back can be ? Underage or otherwise !!We haveseen quite enough of him though, one way or another !! (That'll startanothersquall of Guestbook entries) What we do want is some new faces, a new"TON"even, who knows? One of my quests in life is to try to find him? Someof you mayhave heard me talking about my project ideas here in Guestbook? I havelooked /asked for help an advice with this but only Mr"JonnarVisuals" replied and asyet - he could either be busy or ignoring me - I've heard no more,despite thefact I could well need to use his services to kick start my search forthe UKversion of Ton ? C'mon please talk with me ?Just a few words about thehistoryof Ton. My memory is that he first appeared on boysuniverse and wasapparentlythe discovery of the webmaster there. Those are the pictures with areddishbackground on the picture post. The webmaster showed a few freepictures,clothed, claiming that Ton was about to turn 18 and that he had Ton'sfather'spermission to show the clothed pictures. The full set appeared a fewweeks later(I was not a member). Next, Ton turned up on thenetgp if memory serves.He wasuntil recently featured on the opening/title page of that site. Afterthis, anexplosion seemed to produce his pictures everywhere. Eithersweetestboys,drunkenboys, or sweetyoungboys or some similar Russian site showedquite a fewpictures of Ton. Then the ruboys site showed him and afterwards theirsitedevoted to him, tonisbad, came out in December 2003. About that time,boyfestival produced a large photoseries. Ton has been on the web atleast twoyears on 6 or more sites. It concerns me not only that one site mayhave made amistake or not been honest, but even more that so many knowingly orunknowinglymay have participtated. I am left confused and concerned.Ton is farfrom stalegoods. There is no commercial trick here - we do not claim to offer aphotosession of Ton for our site members. We have shared with you for free,thetest-shots we were able to make of this charming and wild boy. Some ofyou whofollow our Guestbook recall that we are waiting for Ton to return tothe fieldof modeling work, he has since found another work. He got his other newjob (notmodeling, in a city far, far away) before we were able to catch him fora realphoto session. But The free-spirited boy bounces around theroomwith a true and playful charm, almost impossible to catch him in frame!Really,you have to see this to understand him ...practically drove us all madon onehand. But in the other hand is was quite refreshing to chase his naked[perky]ass all over the house, as he teased and hid behind various objectsbefore wemade the nude shots. As soon as his undies came off, boom! He wasrunning andlaughing with a big grin on his face. So whenever and wherever Tonhappens topop up next, give him your love!Hi, On the subject of Ton and hishaving onlyjust turned 18 has me confused, My dear departed friend at Boyfestivalwould notin any way show a model under the legal age, Jonas was most insistantthat hismodels woul be ablew to show documentation of thir age even whenpurchasingcontent from a third party, so either my othjer good friend Barron atBoyBox ismistaken or Jonas was duped into accepting unfortunately fraudulantpaperwork,this job as a photographer can be fraught with danger and i know thisalso fromexperience, the things we have to contend with to keep our membershappy andourselves out of prison regards DaveI'm not complaining(for once!!). Ton hasn't indeed changed has he? Far from it! Oncequestionthough? All these pics that have been posted and now doubt downloadedprior tothis latest set from the boys at BoyBox? Just how OLD was Ton whenthese weretaken?Another debate rages ? Who posts what and how long it should/theyshould/it will take to complete a particular series ? Who cares for solong assaid picture/video series is completed in a reasonable and sensibletime frameand not handled by that site who quite stoically and adamantly refusesto speakwith it's customers/would be customers !! They know who they are ?? Andwhocares how long when all I want to do is set up some sort of"modelling agency"where we can introduce more gems to the world of adult entertainment.That's mygoal and to those who have spoken with me this far on said ideas,"thank you".To those who keeping yapping about things like the above why not giveus somesupport and perhaps, just perhaps we might get some more"gems" to help ourbeleagured webmasters get your precious "updates" done ontime, and as youwant....sorry, wrong word, demand I want to thank whoever is postingthatfantastic series of Ton. If he's only "average" then most ofthe models heremust be hideous. Ton is one of the sexiest models ever displayed on thenet.Thanks again to whoever is sharing their pics of this gem! Hi Guys,Justhad aconfrontation with a Quick Poll by BoyReview on how to releasepicturesets.Since I don't know how long the poll will be there, I'll quote thequestion andthe options. Quick Poll - how webmasters release their photosets. Somedisplayall images at once, others drip feed over a period of time. Manywebmasters viewthis site, here is your chance to have your say. How should websitesrelease newphotosets: Immediately, all at once Spread over a few weeks Spread overa fewmonths Dont care With all due respect, I could not see any reason inthequestion, to actually vote for something else than 'all at once'. Firstof all,although the 'drip feed' was quite a nice catchy way to describe theway somesites update, it already gives a negative feel about those options. Itsoundsjust like asking: do you also dislike it when you feel you are kept onhold? yes/ no / don't care. I can predict that outcome as well. Basically, for aquestionto be valuable it needs to display the whole situation in such a clearway thatwe can understand what we actually vote for - In the answers givenabove, I dowonder just how long "a few weeks" actually is. 2, 3 , 4? Forme that would makea difference. How many sets are actually being updated / completed in agivenperiod of time? Also, if I have to wait a bit, what possitive wouldthat bringme then? Of course I don't like to wait, but if there is something tobalancethat out, it might become an attractive alternative. After all, we allknow thatevery choice has its consequences. It might sound nice to geteverything in onego, but what does that do to the entertainment value of the site? Let'slook atBoyReview, why do you visit here and how often? Isn't one of thereasons to comehere that you can find something new here every day? Every time youvisit here

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