"Project Arrhythmia" is a musical bullet-hell in which all things beautiful are deadly. Avoid the musically timed pulse of blocks and bars, and in the process you might just find out what this mysterious "Project Arrhythmia" is.Arcade Mode: A fun way to play user made levels with your friends in up to 8 player Local Co-Op.Level editor: A robust and easy to pick up level editor for user created content, built right into the game.Steam Workshop: Full integration with Arcade Mode and the game's Level Editor to allow easy uploading and downloading of user made levels.
Heart to Heart is a project to crowd-source data about heart rhythms. The organizers hope that this will become the largest heart health initiative in the world, and demonstrate the power of crowd-sourced data. To participate, you simply download an app from the Apple App Store, answer a few demographic questions, and then hold your finger over the camera lens, partially covering the flash. In about 90 seconds, the app will calibrate and record your heart beat data.
Project Arrhythmia Download]
The program is backed by Happitech, the Arrhythmia Alliance, and Bug Labs. The project has the potential to gather millions of data points from individuals around the world. The data could help shed new light on AFib and other heart conditions.
Pre-existing comorbidities were present in 77.5% of patients. Conditions that were seen in over 10% of patients included hypertension (38.5%), diabetes (23.7%), obesity (body mass index >30 kg/m2; 15.8%), tobacco use (14.3%), chronic alcohol use (12.6%), ischemic heart disease (12.5%), arrhythmia (12.3%), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (11.2%). 2ff7e9595c